Website for machine experts
Customer-specific workshop: Servicing Gen 3 drives – Online training
For TNC 620 / TNC 640 Gen 3 (FS) and TNC7
Course contents
- HEIDENHAIN components of Gen 3 drives
- Introduction of the new interfaces
- Information on FS functional safety for field service
- Working with the new diagnostics tool TNCdiag
- Servicing Gen 3 drives as compared to the 1xx inverter generation
- Basic computer skills (Windows)
- Stable Internet connection ≥ 25 Mbit
- Administrator rights on the PC
- Up-to-date browser, e.g. Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge
- Webcam is recommended
The topics, focal points and duration are determined by agreement between the interested party/client and HEIDENHAIN.
HEIDENHAIN will prepare an individual offer.
The workshops will be held in German or English language.
Objectives of the course
- The participants are introduced to the components of the Gen 3 drive generation.
- They learn how to handle the new interfaces (optical fiber, mini I/O,
DC-link bus mounting, 24 V bus mounting, motor hybrid connector)
through corresponding exercises. - They acquire basic knowledge of functional safety for the field service.
- Based on the knowledge of the 1xx inverter generation, the participants
can perform a comprehensive field service on components of the Gen 3
drive generation.
Target group
- Specialists for service, maintenance and commissioning
- The participants are familiar with servicing TNC 640. They have, for example, attended a TNC 640 service course, received training or acquired knowledge themselves.
- They are familiar with the components of the 1xx inverter generation and the associated processor and controller units (e.g. MC 6xxx, CC 6xxx, UVR 1xx, UM 1xx).
Customer-specific workshop: Servicing Gen 3 drives – Online training
For TNC 620 / TNC 640 Gen 3 (FS) and TNC7
- HEIDENHAIN components of Gen 3 drives
- Introduction of the new interfaces
- Information on FS functional safety for field service
- Working with the new diagnostics tool TNCdiag
- Servicing Gen 3 drives as compared to the 1xx inverter generation
- Basic computer skills (Windows)
- Stable Internet connection ≥ 25 Mbit
- Administrator rights on the PC
- Up-to-date browser, e.g. Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge
- Webcam is recommended
The topics, focal points and duration are determined by agreement between the interested party/client and HEIDENHAIN.
HEIDENHAIN will prepare an individual offer.
The workshops will be held in German or English language.