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Workpiece alignment with touch probe cycle 403

NC FAQ1085


Which rotary axis can I align with Cycle 403?


Cycle 403 permits alignment of one specific rotary axis in the basic position of the machine. Cycle 403 cannot be used if the tilted working plane function is active.

It is not possible to align several successive rotary axes (e.g. C rotary table following A tilting table) with Cycle 403, since the additional rotations would mutually influence each other.

For such cases you can use touch-probe cycle 431, which determines the spatial angles of an inclined plane, and saves them in parameters Q170 to Q172. You can then call these determined spatial angles in the PLANE SPATIAL function, and use them to align the workpiece in three dimensions. Then a spatial rotation with PLANE RELATIVE about SPC might also be necessary in order to align the workpiece with the axes of the coordinate system.

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