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Tool radius compensation via TOOL CALL ... DL and DR

NC FAQ1098


If I change the tool radius compensation in the TOOL CALL block via DR and DL, the tool is correctly compensated. But in the graphic simulation the final dimensions of the workpiece are shown incorrectly by the DL and DR values in the tool call block. Why?


Delta values are offsets in the length and radius of a tool.

A positive delta value describes a tool oversize (DL, DR, DR2 > 0). If you are programming the machining data with an allowance, enter the oversize value in the TOOL CALL block of the part program.

Delta values from the tool table influence the graphical representation of the tool. The representation of the workpiece remains the same in the simulation.

Delta values from the TOOL CALL block change the represented size of the workpiece during the simulation. The simulated tool size remains the same.

When applied in practice on the machine, the operator uses the DL, DR, and DR2 values in the tool table to specify the actual (physical) dimensions of the tool. The operator uses the DL, DR, and DR2 values in the TOOL CALL block to define roughing allowances on the workpiece. For positive entered values the control adjusts the tool path so that an oversize results, and for negative entered values so that an undersize results.

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Programming station Machine control Programming station VirtualBox Test run FAQ TNC 640 TNC 620 iTNC 530 TNC 320 TNC 128 TNC 426/430 TNC7
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