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The displayed feed rate does not match the programmed value

NC FAQ1003


In thread milling cycles and in the Bore Milling cycle I program a feed rate of 3000 mm/min. However, the TNC displays a much smaller feed rate even though the potentiometer is set to 100%. Why?


The TNC is using the correct feed rate at the tool’s cutting edge. The feed rate shown always refers to the cutter’s center point path. The feed rate programmed in the cycles is in effect at the tool’s cutting edge, meaning that the feed rate displayed for the cutter’s center point path is proportionally lower, depending on the tool radius. 

Product type

Program run Milling-turning Milling Machine control FAQ TNC 640 TNC 620 iTNC 530 TNC 320 TNC 128 TNC 426/430 TNC 415/425 TNC 410 TNC 407 TNC 355 TNC 310 TNC 155
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