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Replace specific rows of the tool table

NC FAQ1017


Only specific rows of the tool table are to be replaced by new values. A tool presetter generates the new data. 


If you copy any tool table into TOOL.T, you can overwrite individual rows or columns in the target table with the REPLACE FIELDS soft key. Prerequisites: - The target table must already exist - The file to be copied must only contain the columns or rows you want to replace.

Caution! The REPLACE FIELDS soft key does not appear if you want to overwrite the table in the TNC with an external data transfer software, such as TNCremo. Copy the externally created file to a different directory, and then copy the desired fields with the TNC file management.

Example: With a tool presetter you have measured the length and radius of ten new tools. The tool presetter then generates the tool table TOOL.T with 10 rows (for the 10 tools) and the columns

- Tool number (column T)

- Tool length (column L)

- Tool radius (column R)

Copy this file to a directory other than the one containing the previous TOOL.T. If you copy this file to the directory containing the existing table by using the TNC file management, the TNC asks if you wish to overwrite the existing TOOL.T tool table:

> If you press the YES soft key, the TNC will completely overwrite the current TOOL.T tool table. After the copying process the new TOOL.T table consists of 10 rows. The only remaining columns in the table are tool number, tool length and tool radius

> Or, if you press the REPLACE FIELDS soft key, the TNC merely overwrites the first 10 rows of the Number, Length and Radius columns in the TOOL.T file. The data of the remaining rows and columns are not changed by the TNC

> Or, if you press the REPLACE EMPTY LINES soft key, the TNC merely overwrites the rows in the TOOL.T file that do not contain any data. The data of the remaining rows and columns are not changed by the TNC. 

Product type

Machine control Data transfer FAQ iTNC 530 TNC 426/430
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