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Redistribution of the HEIDENHAIN DNC COM component

NC FAQ1032


How is the HEIDENHAIN DNC COM component of the RemoTools SDK installed on a target system?


When RemoTools SDK is installed, the software component, which consists of several files, is installed (copied and registered) on the development computer.

There are three possibilities for installing the COM component on a target system:

> Separate installation:

An installation package (.msi file) is available on the HEIDENHAIN FileBase with the most current versions of the HeidenhainDNC component files. This package can be installed with the Microsoft Installer. The Microsoft Installer is already included as of the Windows 2000 operating system.

> Include in your own installation:

In the RemoTools SDK folder you will find the MergeModules subfolder, which contains .msm files.

You can include these files, which also contain information about versions and dependencies, in your installation if your installation tool supports .msm files (Microsoft merge modules).

For example, you can use products from the company InstallShield.

> Manual installation:

After the RemoTools SDK installation, you can also copy the component files in the folder \Program Files\Shared Files\Heidenhain shared to the target system, and register them manually with the regsvr32.exe command line tool.

The regsvr32.exe program is part of the Windows operating system.

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