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Programming station without tool table

NC FAQ1018


My machine works without a tool table (no tool changer). Can I also program the tool definition via TOOL DEF in the NC program on the iTNC 530 programming station?


Yes, you can program a TOOL DEF block on the iTNC programming station even if the tool table is active there. However, the programming station will issue an error message when testing the program.

If you always want to work without a tool table, proceed as follows:

> In the Programming and Editing mode of operation, press the MOD key

> Enter the code number 123 and confirm with the ENT key

> Select MP7224.0

> Enter %00000100

> Select MP7260

> Enter 0 (number of tools in the table)

The tool table is then inactive, and all tool definitions must occur via TOOL DEF in the program.

Of course it is also possible to activate the central tool table on your machine and manage all tools there even if the machine does not have an automatic tool changer.

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Programming station Programming Programming station VirtualBox FAQ iTNC 530
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