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Program section repetitions

NC FAQ1015


On the TNC 426 we could see exactly how many program section repetitions had already been run (e.g. Call LBL 1 REP 4/4). Can newer controls also show the number of repetitions? 


Of course this is also possible on the iTNC 530, TNC 128, TNC 320, TNC 620 and TNC 640. A separate status display now also shows the number of repetitions already run.

Select the PGM + STATUS screen layout.

Depending on the NC software number, you can press the STATUS CALL LBL soft key to switch to a separate window showing information about the program section repetitions, or you can view the desired display on the “Overview” or “LBL” tab.

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Machine control Programming station Programming station VirtualBox Program run FAQ TNC 640 TNC 620 iTNC 530 TNC 320 TNC 128 TNC 426/430
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