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No access to TNC by TNCremo

NC FAQ1036


When trying to establish a connection between the TNCremo data-transmission software and the TNC control, the error message “Cannot establish connection” appears. After pressing the Details button, the message “Error 2000171h: Access privilege not granted” appears. What am I doing wrong?


For safety reasons, you must explicitly permit external access to the TNC. Proceed as follows, depending on the control:

> Select the Programming and Editing mode of operation.

> Press the MOD key to activate the MOD function.

> For TNC 128, TNC 320, TNC 620 and TNC 640: Machine settings

> Set EXTERNAL ACCESS to ON or define a list of IP addresses.

Now the TNC can be accessed by an external data-transmission software.

By the way, this procedure also applies to the iTNC programming station if you want to access it via the loop-back IP (

Product type

Data transfer Machine control FAQ TNCremo / TNCserver TNC 640 TNC 620 iTNC 530 TNC 320 TNC 128
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