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Mid-program startup of program with subprograms

NC FAQ1054


If machining programs with subprograms are used, and if the same subprogram is called in different blocks, mid-program startup of this subprogram must take place in several steps. How do I do that?


If a line in a subprogram is selected for mid-program startup, mid-program startup uses the first jump to the subprogram, and once the subprogram is finished, program run resumes in the block below this CALL LBL command.

If the first CALL LBL command is not to be used, then a first block scan is used to jump to the selected CALL LBL block, and in a second step the block scan jumps to the block in the subprogram.

Only after the second block scan is the position approached, since the first block scan serves to identify the jump label.

Product type

Program run Machine control Programming station Programming station VirtualBox FAQ iTNC 530 TNC 426/430
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