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How can I use TNCremo to exchange files with MANUALplus / CNCpilot

NC FAQ1047


How can I use TNCremo to exchange data with the MANUALplus / CNCpilot?


The TNCserver function of TNCremo is responsible for data exchange with the MANUALplus, MillPlus, CNCpilot and other controls whose data input/output is activated at the control. Start TNCserver via Tools > TNCserver from TNCremo, or by calling the program directly through the Start menu (Start > Programs > HEIDENHAIN). 

Preparing TNCserver:

Then you select the folder containing your program files. Use the “configuration” switch to open the configuration dialog, where you select the desired control. Depending on the control model, various protocols are available. For the MANUALplus you select Send Data I/O or Receive Data I/O. Conclude the configuration by selecting the interface and transmission rate, and then press OK to exit the configuration dialog box.

Since the file name is not explicitly ascertained in the Data I/O protocol, you must click the File button in TNCserver and select the file you want to send or in which the received data is to be stored. 

Preparing the control:

On the control, set the machine parameters for Device 1 according to the following list:

900 1       1:RS232

901 38400 Baud rate

903 1       Stop bits

904 0       Number of zeros

905 1       1: Data code ISO(7-bit even parity)

906 1       Automatic code detection

907 0       Flow control: 0: RTS/CTS 1: RTS/CTS + XON/XOFF

908 1       DTR control (MillPlus)

909 1       DTR control (MANUALplus)

Switch to the data transmission mode and select the file group to which you want to write or from which you want to read.

Select Device 1 (or 2 or 3 if you configured a different device in the machine parameters for TNCserver).

Downloading files from the control:

Press the “Output” soft key on the control

Uploading files to the control:

Press the “Input” soft key on the control

Press the “Start” button in TNCserver

If transmission still doesn’t work:

“Waiting for request” must be shown in the status field of the status display in TNCserver. If “No connection” is displayed instead, you probably do not have the correct cable connection (you need a crossover null modem cable). 

Product type

Data transfer FAQ TNCremo / TNCserver CNC PILOT 640 CNC PILOT 620 MANUALplus 620
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