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How can I configure TNCserver to serve multiple interfaces simultaneously

NC FAQ1050


How can I configure TNCserver to serve multiple interfaces simultaneously?

I have two serial ports on my PC, and a different control is connected to each one.

If I start TNCserver twice and select different values in the configuration, then the next time I start TNCserver it always starts with the configuration that was active when the last instance of TNCserver was closed.


In order to work with multiple connections, each configuration needs its own program shortcut on your desktop.

> Right-click the desktop

> In the pop-up menu select “New/Shortcut”

> In the Browse box, find TNCserver.exe (usually in the folder C:\Program Files\HEIDENHAIN\TNCremoNT)

Enter call parameters for this shortcut:  

> Right-click the program shortcut

> In the pop-up menu select “Properties”

> In the Properties box click the “Shortcut” tab

> In the “Target:” field enter the call parameters after the program call (separated by blanks!) 

Examples for call parameters: 

-P<x> interface (<;x>: 1...9)

-B<xxxx> baud rate (<xxxx>: 1200...115200)

-C<prot> protocol (<prot>: FE, ME_SND, ME_RCV, EXT_SND, EXT_RCV, LSV2)

-N<control> control (<control>: "POSITIP", "CNC PILOT", "MANUAL PLUS", "MILL PLUS", "ND XXX", "TNC 122", "TNC 124", "TNC 131", "TNC 135", "TNC 145", "TNC 150", "TNC 151", "TNC 155", "TNC 223", "TNC 232", "TNC 234", "TNC 2500B", "TNC 246", "TNC 306", "TNC 355", "TNC 360", "CONTOUR", "TNC 370", "TNC 310", "TNC 410", "TNC 400", "TNC 406", "TNC 407", "TNC 415", "TNC 416", "TNC 425", "TNC 426", "TNC 430", "iTNC 530")

Example for Target: 

"C:\Program Files\HEIDENHAIN\TNCremoNT\TNCserver.exe" -P2 -B19200 -CFE "-NTNC 426"

Note: Program paths and parameters that contain blanks must be set in quotation marks

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Data transfer FAQ TNCremo / TNCserver TNC 640 TNC 620 iTNC 530 TNC 320 TNC 128 TNC 426/430 TNC 415/425 TNC 410 TNC 407 TNC 355 TNC 310 TNC 155
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