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Error message with M140

NC FAQ1010


Why can’t I work with M140 MB MAX in Test Run mode?


In order to simulate a program that uses M140 MB MAX in the Test Run mode you must activate workspace monitoring for the Test Run mode.

On the TNC 426 / 430 and the iTNC 530, select the MOD function in the Test Run mode. Press the BLANK IN WORK SPACE soft key. You can activate workspace monitoring (ON) from the second soft-key row.

On the TNC 128, TNC 320, TNC 620 and TNC 640, select the BLANK IN WORK SPACE soft key from the second soft-key row in the Test Run mode. Then press the SW LIMIT MONITORING soft key on the second soft-key row to activate software limit switch monitoring.

Product type

Test run Machine control Programming station Programming station VirtualBox FAQ TNC 640 TNC 620 iTNC 530 TNC 320 TNC 128
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