Alignment with PLANE function
NC FAQ1083
Nach dem räumlichen Ausrichten mit einer PLANE-Funktion stimmt die Werkzeugorientierung im anschließenden 5-Achs-Simultan-Programm nicht mehr.
The spatial angle requires corresponding axis angles on your machine that align the workpiece in three dimensions.
If the coordinates of the 5-axis program are interpreted as axis angles, the basic orientation of the spatial angle gets lost.
You need a program with rotary axis coordinates that can be interpreted as a spatial angle, for example a program for a machine with perpendicular rotary axes A and C (A rotates about X; C rotates about Z).
Then replace the M128 through FUNCTION TCPM AXIS SPAT so that the programmed rotary axis coordinates are interpreted as a spatial angle to the given basic orientation.
Remember that FUNCTION TCPM must be activated before the PLANE function.