
Programming Optimized Contour Milling (OCM)

In this webinar the speaker, Michael Wiendl, will explain how to program the new Optimized Contour Milling (OCM) fixed cycles on the TNC 640. These are available from the TNC640 34059x-10 on the control with option #167 and offer you the following advantages

  • Workplace-oriented programming of any pockets and islands
  • Significantly higher processing speed
  • Considerably reduced tool wear Efficient machining strategies are the essential basis for economical NC production.

In particular clearing processes offer a lot of optimization potential. After all, these machining steps usually account for a high proportion of the total running time. With OCM you can roughen any pockets and islands safely and gently with very constant process conditions. You program the contours in the usual way directly in plain text or particularly conveniently via CAD-import. The controller then calculates the complex movements for constant process conditions.