0 BEGIN PGM 9035_en MM 1 ;NC program for automatically finding the 2 ;file name and engraving it onto the 3 ;workpiece through a cycle. 4 ;The control calls a mask file. This writes 5 ;the file path into a text file. The control 6 ;then calls a program with which it selects 7 ;the program name fron the file path. The 8 ;control saves the file name in QS1. It loads 9 ;QS1 in a return jump into this program and 10 ;used it in the engraving cycle 225. 11 ;If the three files being used are not in 12 ;the same directorz, you have to adapt the 13 ;path data in calls. 14 ;IMPORTANT! The program does not run in the 15 ;program test, because copying a text file 16 ;into an NC program is not allowed there! 17 ; 18 BLK FORM 0.1 Z X+0 Y+0 Z-20 19 BLK FORM 0.2 X+100 Y+100 Z+0 20 ; 21 ;Tool call, engraving tool 22 TOOL CALL 151 Z S6000 23 M3 24 ; 25 L Z+100 R0 FMAX 26 ; 27 ;Write the content of the "mask" file into 28 ;the "File". The program name is entered 29 ;using the syntax. 30 FN 16: F-PRINT mask.a / FILE.a 31 ; 32 ;Call a program for forming the text string 33 CALL PGM 90351_en.H 34 ; 35 ; 36 ;Engrave the file name contained in QS1 37 CYCL DEF 225 GRAVIEREN ~ QS500= QS1 ;GRAVIERTEXT ~ Q513=+10 ;ZEICHENHOEHE ~ Q514=+0 ;FAKTOR ABSTAND ~ Q515=+0 ;SCHRIFTART ~ Q516=+0 ;TEXTANORDNUNG ~ Q374=+0 ;DREHLAGE ~ Q517=+50 ;KREISRADIUS ~ Q207=+500 ;VORSCHUB FRAESEN ~ Q201=-0.3 ;TIEFE ~ Q206=+150 ;VORSCHUB TIEFENZ. ~ Q200=+2 ;SICHERHEITS-ABST. ~ Q203=+0 ;KOOR. OBERFLAECHE ~ Q204=+50 ;2. SICHERHEITS-ABST. 38 ; 39 ;Call cycle at starting point 40 L X+20 Y+40 R0 FMAX M99 41 ; 42 ;Retract 43 L Z+100 R0 FMAX 44 ; 45 ;End of program 46 M30 47 END PGM 9035_en MM