0 BEGIN PGM 8025_EN MM 1 ;Program for increasing or reducing the feed 2 ;rate step by step. 3 ;Over a defined distance, the feed rate is 4 ;changed from an initial speed to a final speed. 5 ;For this purpose, the distance and the 6 ;difference between the feed-rate values are 7 ;changed step by step by the subdivision defined 8 ;in a parameter. 9 ;This movement takes place on a linear path in 10 ;X direction. 11 ; 12 ;Enter parameters 13 FN 0: Q1 =+20 ;STARTING FEED RATE IN MM/MIN 14 FN 0: Q2 =+300 ;END FEED RATE IN MM/MIN 15 FN 0: Q3 =+50 ;LENGTH OF THE ACCELERATION 16 ; ;PATH (INCREMENTAL) 17 FN 0: Q4 =+10 ;SUBDIVISION 18 ; ;;NUMBER OF STEPS INTO WHICH THE 19 ; ;DISTANCE AND THE FEED-RATE 20 ; ;CHANGE IS DIVIDED 21 FN 0: Q5 =+0 ;STARTING POINT IN THE X AXIS 22 ;Entry of parameters complete 23 ; 24 BLK FORM 0.1 Z X+0 Y+0 Z-20 25 BLK FORM 0.2 X+100 Y+80 Z+0 26 ; 27 ;Tool call 28 TOOL CALL 5 Z S2000 29 ; 30 ;Move Z axis to clearance height 31 L Z+20 R0 F9999 M3 32 ; 33 Q11 = ( Q2 - Q1 ) / Q4 ;Feed-rate step 34 Q13 = Q3 / Q4 ;Path step 35 FN 0: Q21 =+Q1 ;Current speed 36 FN 0: Q24 =+0 ;Current count 37 ; 38 L X+Q5 Y+0 Z+20 FMAX ;Pre-position 39 L Z+1 R0 FMAX ;Move Z axis to set-up clearance 40 L Z-5 F500 ;Plunge Z axis 41 ; 42 LBL 2 ;Repetition 43 FN 1: Q21 =+Q21 + +Q11 ;Current speed 44 FN 1: Q24 =+Q24 + +1 ;Increment counter 45 L IX+Q13 FQ21 46 FN 12: IF +Q24 LT +Q4 GOTO LBL 2 47 STOP 48 ; 49 ;Further contouring motions 50 L IX+200 IY+100 R0 FQ2 51 ; 52 ;Retract Z axis and end program 53 L Z+50 R0 FMAX M30 54 END PGM 8025_EN MM