0 BEGIN PGM 10601_EN MM 1 ;Program with the calculations and expiry for 2 ;cross-drilling a tube 3 ; 4 ;Activate the speed for spot drilling 5 TOOL CALL SQ8 6 ; 7 ;Calculations 8 FN 1: Q40 =+Q2 + +Q1 ;Hight for pre-positioning 9 FN 2: Q41 =+Q2 - +Q5 ;Bottom of the tube 10 FN 2: Q20 =+Q2 - +Q4 ;Inner tube above 11 FN 2: Q30 =+Q20 - +Q10 ;Depth upper wall 12 FN 1: Q21 =+Q41 + +Q4 ;Start lower wall 13 FN 1: Q43 =+Q21 + +Q1 ;Starting position lower wall 14 FN 1: Q24 =+Q41 + +Q3 ;Beginning of the delay 15 FN 2: Q42 =+Q41 - +Q10 ;Depth lower wall 16 FN 4: Q36 =+Q6 DIV +10 ;Feed rate increment 17 FN 4: Q33 =+Q3 DIV +10 ;Path increment 18 FN 4: Q27 =+Q7 DIV +4 ;Feed rate for touch down 19 L Z+Q40 R0 FMAX M3 ;Pre-positioning Z axis 20 L Z+Q2 FQ27 ;Move Z axis on the surface with 25% feed rate 21 FN 0: Q23 =+Q2 22 FN 0: Q26 =+0 23 ; 24 ;Increase the feed rate and drive the 25 ;acceleration path 26 LBL 2 27 FN 1: Q23 =+Q23 + -Q33 ;Current value Z 28 FN 1: Q26 =+Q26 + +Q36 ;Current value feed rate 29 L Z+Q23 FQ26 30 CALL LBL 2 REP9 31 ; 32 ;Activate speed for drilling 33 TOOL CALL SQ9 34 ; 35 FN 0: Q23 =+Q24 36 L Z+Q30 FQ6 ;Drill through the upper wall 37 L Z+Q43 FQ7 ;Move to the starting position of the lower wall with the feed rate in air 38 L Z+Q24 FQ6 ;Drill to the beginning of the deceleration path 39 ; 40 ;Reduction of the feed rate and drive the 41 ;deceleration path 42 LBL 3 43 FN 1: Q23 =+Q23 + -Q33 44 FN 1: Q26 =+Q26 + -Q36 45 L Z+Q23 FQ26 46 CALL LBL 3 REP8 47 L Z+Q42 ;Drill to the end of the lower wall 48 L Z+Q40 FQ7 ;Move the hight of pre-positioning 49 ; 50 ;End of program 51 END PGM 10601_EN MM