0 BEGIN PGM 1035_EN MM 1 ;Driiling process with exponential decrease 2 ;of the infeed depth. 3 ;The first step is drilled with the defined 4 ;infeed depth. In the following steps of in 5 ;infeed, the plunging depth is exponentially 6 ;reduced until the minimun plunging depth is 7 ;reached. All still following infeeds are then 8 ;driven with this minimum plunging depth. 9 ;The steps shall be repeated until the hole 10 ;depth is reached. After each step the tool 11 ;will be pulled back to safety distance above 12 ;the bottom of hole. If a user-defined number 13 ;of infeeds is reached, the tool is 14 ;completely pulled out of the hole for 15 ;deswarfing. 16 ;The calculations and path motions for the 17 ;drilling process, are in a separate main 18 ;program, which is defined in a Cycl 12, and 19 ;then is called with the M99 funktion at the 20 ;drilling position. 21 ;In this program, you define the necessary 22 ;parameters, the tool and the drilling 23 ;positions, where zou call the Cycl 12 with 24 ;M99 or CYCL CALL. In the second program, no 25 ;changes need to be made. 26 ; 27 BLK FORM 0.1 Z X+0 Y-10 Z-40 28 BLK FORM 0.2 X+40 Y+10 Z+0 29 ; 30 ;Input parameter 31 FN 0: Q1 =+1 ;SAFTY CLEARANCE 32 FN 0: Q2 =-40 ;DEPTH 33 FN 0: Q3 =-8 ;1ST PLUNGING DEPTH 34 FN 0: Q4 =+1 ;DWELL TIME AT TOP 35 FN 0: Q5 =+200 ;FEED RATE FOR PECKING 36 FN 0: Q6 =+0 ;SURFACE COORDINATE 37 FN 0: Q7 =+15 ;2ND SAFETY CLEARANCE 38 FN 0: Q8 =+0.5 ;DEGRESSION FACTOR 39 FN 0: Q9 =+3 ;NUMBER OF INFEEDS UNTIL RETRACTION 40 ; ;FOR CHIP REMOVAL 41 FN 0: Q10 =-5 ;MINIMUM PLUNGING DEPTH 42 FN 0: Q11 =+1 ;DWELL TIME AT DEPTH 43 ;Input parameter completed 44 ; 45 ;Tool call drilling tool 46 TOOL CALL 223 Z S1000 47 ; 48 ;Drive to safe hight 49 L Z+20 R0 F9998 M3 50 ; 51 ;Difine drilling process in Cycl 12 52 CYCL DEF 12.0 PGM CALL 53 CYCL DEF 12.1 PGM TNC:\Database\10351_en.H 54 ; 55 ;Move to drilling position and call the cycle 56 L X+5 Y+0 R0 M99 57 L X+30 M99 58 ; 59 ;Move back and program end 60 L Z+20 M2 61 END PGM 1035_EN MM